You can offer free products with Tentary.
Create a free product
To add a new product, first log in to your Tentary account and navigate to the products page. Then click on the button "+ New Product". On the next page, you can set up product.
In the field "Price" you can set the final price for your customers. You can offer your products either free of charge, or with a minimum price of one dollar/euro.
To offer a product for free, simply enter the number 0 in the price field.
You can find more information about creating a product in the following article.
- For free products, there are no transaction fees and customers only have to enter their name and e-mail address when buying (no payment details).
- Products, even free ones, can only be published after your shop is activated.
- Your product can drop to the price of $0 due to a discount code, in this case there is also no transaction fee.