Have you purchased a domain from IONOS and want to connect it to your shop? This article provides a step-by-step guide to help you with the process.
The setup steps vary depending on your domain type. First, select the domain type you are using.
Top-Level Domain (e.g., shop.com)
If you want to connect your own top-level domain, follow these steps:
Step 1: Access Your Domain’s DNS Settings
Log in to your IONOS account and go to the Domains & SSL page. Select your domain, click the three vertical dots under Actions, and choose DNS from the menu.
Step 2: Create a CNAME Record
Click on Add Record and select CNAME as type.
For the Hostname, enter www. For Shows enter sites.tentary.com and click Save.
Your domain is now connected to your shop.
Note: If your domain already has existing records, they might conflict with the new CNAME record. In this case, you will receive a notification. To resolve the conflict, you may need to delete the existing records. As a precaution, take a screenshot of the current records to restore them if needed.
Step 3: Activate the SSL Certificate
At IONOS, an SSL certificate is required for all redirects to function correctly. On the Domains & SSL page, check if your domain has an active SSL certificate. You can identify this by a green or red lock icon. If a red lock is displayed, click on it to activate a certificate for your domain.
Step 4: Set Up a URL Redirect
Next, set up a URL redirect. Go back to the Domains & SSL page, click the three vertical dots again, and choose Edit Usage Type from the menu.
Select Domain Forwarding as the type.
Choose Custom Domain and enter your full domain, including https://www., as the forwarding destination. For our example, we use https://www.shop.com, therefore replace shop.com with your domain.
Note: If you are using a top-level domain, make sure to disable the option Also set up for www subdomain to ensure the redirect works correctly.
The redirect type is pre-set to HTTP forwarding. Click Save to finish.
Note: It may take up to 24 hours for your site to become accessible after setup.
Step 5: Connect Your Shop
After completing the previous steps in IONOS, connect your Tentary shop to your domain. Open your shop’s domain settings, select Custom Domain, and enter your full domain, including www, in the URL field.
After clicking Save, the status of your domain will be displayed next to the URL.
Subdomain (e.g., shop.website.com)
If you want to connect your own subdomain, follow these steps:
Step 1: Access Your Subdomain’s DNS Settings
Log in to your IONOS account and go to the Domains & SSL page. Select your domain, click the three vertical dots under Actions, and choose DNS for this domain.
Step 2: Create a CNAME Record
Click on Add Record and select CNAME as the type.
For the Hostname, enter your subdomain. For example, for shop.website.com, the hostname is shop. For Shows, enter sites.tentary.com and click Save.
Your domain is now connected to your shop.
Note: If your domain already has existing records, they might conflict with the new CNAME record. In this case, you will receive a notification. To resolve the conflict, you may need to delete the existing records. As a precaution, take a screenshot of the current records to restore them if needed.
Note: It may take up to 24 hours for your site to become accessible after setup.
Step 3: Connect Your Shop
After completing the previous steps in IONOS, connect your Tentary shop to your subdomain. Open your shop’s domain settings, select Custom Domain, and enter your subdomain, without www, in the URL field.
After clicking Save, the status of your subdomain will be displayed next to the URL.