To allow your customers to visit your shop, you need your personal shop URL. In this article, you’ll learn how to find it, what it looks like, and what it’s used for.
- Displaying Your Shop URL
- Structure of the Shop URL
- Tentary Subdomain (e.g.
- Custom (Sub)Domain (e.g. oder
- Usage of the Shop URL
Displaying Your Shop URL
You can find your shop URL either via the icon next to the Shop menu item (see the image below) or in your domain settings. If you have enabled the setting Display only individual sales pages (not the full shop), you will find the direct links to your products under the Products menu item.
Structure of the Shop URL
Tentary Subdomain (e.g.,
If you use a free Tentary subdomain, it follows this structure:
You can assign a unique name to your shop in place of name. The primary domain is fixed and cannot be changed. Subdomains do not include www (e.g., not
Note: For technical reasons, you cannot include additional dots within your chosen name (e.g., is not allowed). To separate multiple words or names, you can use a hyphen, such as
Your shop URL can be customized at any time. You can learn how to change the name here. However, keep in mind that no automatic redirection from your old shop URL to the new one is provided. If you change it, links you have previously shared with customers or published on platforms will no longer work.
Custom (Sub)Domain (e.g., or
You can also use a custom domain or subdomain purchased from a domain provider for free with Tentary. More information about setting up a custom (sub)domain can be found here.
Usage of the Shop URL
The shop URL is used to access your shop and as the base for all pages related to your shop. This includes product pages, sales and checkout pages, as well as all legally required pages displayed to your customers.
If you use the URL for your shop, customers can access your shop via this link. All other pages will also start with, followed by a unique sequence of letters or numbers (e.g., legal pages) that cannot be customized.
The URLs for the respective pages follow this structure:
Sales page:
Checkout page:
Note: Each product has an individual link. You can learn more about how to find and share this link here.