In order for your buyers to watch (stream) videos online, the video files usually need to be converted into different formats first. With Tentary, this is done automatically and at no additional cost.
Videos can be uploaded using the regular file upload or via the "+Video" upload button. All videos that are uploaded using the video-upload, are automatically converted into various formats, so they can be streamed.
This conversion may take a few minutes for larger videos. In the meantime, your video will not be available. Use the product preview to check if your video is ready.
Video formats
We support all popular video formats, but we especially recommend the following formats due to their good quality: MP4, MKV, WEBM.
Videos are streamed in four resolutions:
- SD: 480p
- HD: 1080p
- QHD: 1440p
- 4K: 2160p
Resolutions higher than 2160p are automatically compressed.
Video protection
Your videos are safe with us. Our streaming technology automatically protects your videos from being downloaded. It also prevents unauthorized sharing and embedding of your videos on other sites.